Original Post
(Viper) The Vipers
Anouncement: The Three-way challenge is up! We will apply the clan to the special event. we are picking one of the best people in Viper so post your replays here:

(P.S Do not talk about bad things about the leaders)

If you want to join, please apply with the following-

What is your belt?
When did you join?
Why do you want to join?
1 of your best replays:

Dont spam
be active in forum and ingame
Support The Vipers
Respect Members and Allies
Prepare for battle

Once In a World Called Tamriel. There Were A Group Of 5 People who Fought In the Tournament.The Death Tournament! There Was a Man Named Ruloxio. He Cheated! He Stabbed The 5 men to death. Then.
They All Went To Hell. In Hell They Must Defeat Anyone who stands in they're way on the Revival Tournament. They then Teamed Up With Some Other Guys And They Fought In The Tournament. After They Win The Tournament, They Will Meet Death. Who They Must Fight To Get To The Heavens To Meet Uke , Who Will Revive Them. And Now They Are Still Fighting To Their Revival!

Clan Allies: Fallen
Allies : [b]oFingeroo , gab2468



Co Leaders:

30 members (yes)
7 members (yes)
20 members (yes)
50 members (*)
11 members (yes)
WE have 2k in bank [yes]
Become Official[*]

Creator: Crack11

Clan Wars Won:1
Clan Wars lost:0
Last edited by Alberto200; Dec 17, 2012 at 10:50 PM. Reason: The forum needed MAJOR updating.
goblen we already have application its in recruitment center sheesh :3

check out my avatar /lp 0 Crack11
Last edited by Crack11; Nov 17, 2012 at 05:31 AM.
Hey guys I just join I'm here to help crack11
Batrider Moderated Message:
batrider, you can stop trying to steal members from the Saints, or I will report you for it.
This is your warning, if a Saint member tells me you are trying to con them into Viper, you will regret it.


P.S. add me to enemy list and Saints

Last edited by DramaTized; Nov 29, 2012 at 02:10 PM.