DEAT is not a clan. It is a band of brothers who are willing to fight for each other rather than themselves.
Outcasts, Exiles, Abnormal are all ways to describe each member of this family. We take in those who were thrown out by other clans, and those who linger around Toribash. We look for a good fight rather than the money, fighting for fun rather than the awards.
We train those who believe they have the potential to be great, and accept those who believe they can be the best.
Believe in the fight. Defy the odds. Be yourself.
Clan Origin
Years ago, before time ever existed, there lived an ancient being that was imprisoned under a large mountain. He was sentenced to life in prison under the mountain, due to his immense power and capability. He was put there out of fear, the fear of him overthrowing the Gods. After 500 years of silence, the mountain burst open, revealing the being at the core. He glowed a bright red, pure anger emitting from his body. Enraged, he roared at the Gods above, declaring war between him, and them. The Gods simply laughed at him, angering him even more. The being then shot out of the mountain, like a ball of raging fire, and charged towards the heavens. The Gods looked at him in disgust, and sent him hurtling towards the Earth. The being slammed against the soil, creating a seismic shockwave to the mountains around him, causing another mountain to shatter, revealing another being living inside, also in anger against the Gods. Now together, they charged towards the Gods, only to be sent down again, and again. But as they were sent down, another one charged upwards.
This is DEAT.
Against impossible odds, persevere endlessly.
The actual story
Clan Ranks
The Pure Warrior
The elite fighters of DEAT, these warriors hold the main power in the clan. Pure Warriors show profound amounts respect to their opponents, and are very reserved. These are the only people who can start wars with another clan, edit the clan page, kick and promote members.
[ ] 10 degree Black Belt or higher.
[ ] Passed the "Sparring Test" with a "B" or higher.
[ ] Have donated 10k to the clan bank.
[ ] Participated in at least 1 Clan War.
[ ] Been an Enlightened Warrior for 60 days or more.
[ ] Posted at least 50 posts on the forum.
The Enlightened Warrior
Warriors of great ability, second only to the Pure Warriors themselves. These are the warriors who engage in clan wars with the Pure Warriors. Enlightened Warriors are people who have practiced many different styles of fighting, and have mastered a style of fighting.
[ ] 5th degree Black Belt or higher.
[ ] Passed the "Akido Test" with a B or higher.
[ ] Posted at least 25 posts during their time in DEAT.
[ ] Donated 5k into the clan bank.
[ ] Been a Gathering Warrior for 30 days.
The Gathering Warrior
The Gathering Warriors are fighters who have surpassed their basic training and initiation. These are the warriors who begin to gather knowledge on different styles of fighting, and master their own. It's at this point where these people begin to contribute greatly to the clan.
[ ] Black belt or higher
[ ] Participated in 5 weekly clan training sessions/Events
[ ] Approved for War.
The Warriors
People who took the first step to being a warrior within the clan and wanting to participate in clan wars.
[ ] Black belt or higher.
[ ] Accepted an oath to begin training.
Clan Rules
Each member of DEAT has a high degree of repsect and kindness to others. We do not talk trash to other players of the Toribash world, even when it is does to us. Anyways, we preferably like to show our skill rather than talk about it.
Each clan member must go through certain tests and prerequisites in order to advance up the clan ranks. Tests include the Akido Test and the Sparring Test which are self-explanatory at best. In order to take these test, members have to set up a meeting with a "Pure Warrior", and he/she will be observed by them and graded.
General rules such as infractions on the forums and in game, is looked down upon and will not be tolerated in DEAT.
Rules regarding our clan bank include not borrowing more than 10k at a time, and repaying the debt in one week.
The final most important rule is to simply have fun and enjoy each others company. You can linger around in DEAT if you wish so, but I prefer getting more involved in the community, such as participating in weekly clan events and training sessions.
Weekly training session on Saturdays, from 12 pm to 12 am Eastern/ Pacific Time.
Other Events:
Clan Goals
[ ] Be official
[ ] Have 100k in the clan bank
[ ] Win 5 clan wars
[ ] Be #1 in the clan list.
yo yo yo guys its me Ninja here and i wanted to say hey and ty for letting me be in Deat
Lol hey guys these are some good replays hope u like it and i made uke beat me on purpose when i was sparring
Last edited by NinjaVoid; Dec 22, 2013 at 04:51 AM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump