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Awesomenauts is a MOBA and an accessible 3-on-3 action platformer. Head out to the online battlefields together with your friends as an online party or in local splitscreen, and never worry about having to wait for an online match because of drop-in matchmaking!

Play as several Awesomenauts as you storm the online battlegrounds and unlock loads of new abilities and characters for your arsenal.

Devise strategies as you upgrade and customize each character's skills to suit your playing style. Expect new items and Awesomenauts to be added regularly!

It's the year 3587, conflict spans the stars. Huge robot armies are locked in an enduring stalemate. In their bid for galactic conquest they call upon the most powerfull group of mercenaries in the universe: the Awesomenauts!

Join the fight as droid armies, space cowboys, gangsta rapping frogs, and giant robots vie for supremacy!

Awesomenauts brings team-based competetive arena play to a platforming perspective

I was a very early beta tester for the PC version and actually had the chance to talk to some of the developers. They're all great people and the game is also amazing, it's still on sale I think for like half off so I'd pick it up if anyone is even considering it.
I have this game free from PSN Plus I believe

I played this for about a month one time because it was so addicting.
It's awesome, hence the name Awesomenauts
mindless machine
This game is extremely addicting indeed, I am a huge fan of Gnaw

So easy for him to get map control and push the lanes. Also everyone seems to die because they underestimate the power of his poison.