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Best RPG Games.
It's been a long time since I played something good like TES Oblivion or Morrowind.I've already tried Skyrim,but its not as good as Oblivion.If anyone knows a game like that I would appreciate.A lot.
Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.
Witcher 2 enhanced edition.
It's a bit different than TES, not really sandbox RPG, way more focused on plot and interactions with other characters. Gameplay is great but some people may find it a little annoying.
Best game 2011/2012 for me.


Enhanced edition intro/CG trailer

Last edited by Powas; Dec 8, 2012 at 04:48 PM.
I've heard of it.My older computer couldnt run when I tried to play so I had to uninstall.Will definetly give it a try.Any more suggestions?
Invincibility lies in the defence; the possibility of victory in the attack.
Fable series, are really great rpgs! 1st and 2nd part are much better then the 3rd..
Parrot | Tabby | Nike | [Midnight] | Foxy | Deridor | Joel

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Reta's Bitch, Property of Kriegery, Bribed by Bird, Tinerr 4 President.
Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Take the land, that must be taken. Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Devour worlds, smite forsaken
Dwarf Fortress if you can get past the lack of graphics. There's so much you can do, both in combat in Adventure mode (e.g. Aim an axe swing at a guy's left ear to piss him off), and building in Fortress mode (e.g. build a 60-story inverted pyramid full of cats, then pump water into it.)

Mount & Blade is an awesome series, revolving around travelling the lands doing whatever you want to do whilst many factions battle it out for supremacy over the world map. You can join any one of them and try to take the world for them, or you could form your own faction from scratch and take the world for yourself. Or you could be an ass like I always am, and raid villages, steal all their stuff, slaughter the populace and then sell their things to buy a new horse.
Also features a very interesting combat system, in which the way you move your mouse dictates what sort of strike you're going to pull off.
Features a levelling system with multiple stats to invest in, and is reasonably old so you should be fine running it on your PC. Start with Warband if you're interested.

I have Allways liked Elder scrolls as they have been awesome and i've put many many hours
on them.

I really did like Fables aswell. Played all of those. Not so much the 3rd one tho.

I do have mount and blades but really not so interested on SP anymore.
Mostly playing CRPG named mod for warband.
You start leveling your char on MP battles and buying new gear.
Worth to check out if you like Mount and blades.

Dwarf fortress looked pretty weird but i think i have to check some more vids.

For witcher 2 i've heard that i is an amazing Sp game aswell.

For MMORPG's im waiting Tes Online. Here's a good introduction of it.

Elder scrolls (you've already played them)
Far Cry (I think, never played it much)
Most rpg games suck, it's hard to come by amazing rpgs.
I don't like half of these games I listed but most people do so yeah.
That's if you want console games btw, plenty more rpgs and mmorpgs on the computer. ( most bad [like WoW])
The Curious Whomba, Intruding Your Privacy.
Played and destroyed the shit out of FableIII. It sucked. it holds your hand and the game is pointless and revolves around how much gold you have and there is no armor.

I heard Two Worlds II is leagues ahead of the first Two Worlds. I played the first one it's a really slow ass game. Haven't tried the second game, but from gameplay videos.