Original Post
Ragetage #3 is OUT
Hey guys if your here for black ops 2 this video has a little at the end, hope everyone stays tuned because there IS ALOT to come, and my buddy will be putting up some tips tricks, etc. For now here is episode 3. Making the switch from MW3 > Black ops 2. ENJOY

P.S if your down here for some quality black ops 2 rage. 2:02 is the place to go.

Closed, if you want to post a video about a game you saw and/or made, please post it in the corresponding thread for the specific game. If there isn't a thread for the game after you searched, feel free to make the thread for that game.

Last edited by Dagger; Dec 17, 2012 at 10:12 AM.
"<Nightin> i only watch gay porn for the plot"
Eroge Expert