1,000,000TC ToriVid Comp
Greyhat and I have been talking about entering that Huge Torivideo Contest by submitting a full RAWR video.
The songs we use have to be Either from queen or from The beatles. Gr3y suggested Princes of the Universe.
I agree, it would work well.
So like, what we need from you guys are either suggestions for a song, for ideas, for anything that can help us get the win for this comp.
We can take care of the editing work and stuff, we just need your Replays and your brains to help us with this.
Err, I dont think I have anything else to say for this, so like, just start posting replays in here. MP preferred plox
Oh, and i decided not to use the original clan vid thread since that one was already all cluttered from random posts and stuff.
Last edited by Mosier; Jun 30, 2008 at 06:10 AM.