Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Simple but effective leg remover..
In single player (demo settings):

Hold all
Contract hips, abs, and pecs
Raise shoulders
Hands in grab position
Space/Forward 10 frames
Lower shoulders
Contract knees
Extend knees
P/play/do whatever(End)

For a throw/decap finale (after knocking out the legs [460 frames left on demo settings]):

Extend hips and abs
Raise shoulders
Space x3
Extend pecs
Extend glutes

To break off Uke's buttocks/balls as well as his legs with this manuever, just make him all relaxed at the start of the fight. Unfortunately, the above finish won't work as plotted. There is a way to make something similar happen, but I can't quite get it straight, and I'm sure you all will come up with something better anyway.. ;P