[12:26:26 PM] Mojo: If they'll be making both consoles respond to the same server
[12:26:36 PM] furthatch ÚlfBjörn: mmmmm, maybe
[12:26:44 PM] furthatch ÚlfBjörn: thatd be cool
[12:31:22 PM] Tobias Ferrus: I find the concept funny
[12:31:34 PM] Mojo: hmmmmm?
[12:31:40 PM] Mojo: A bit iffy if you ask me
[12:31:54 PM] Tobias Ferrus: Betheda has been seriously against multiplayer
[12:31:59 PM] Tobias Ferrus: It's one of the things they hate
[12:32:17 PM] Tobias Ferrus: And to have a MMORPG of this scale would require a shit load of resources
[12:32:25 PM] Tobias Ferrus: And the severs would be hidious...
[12:32:44 PM] Mojo: Server
[12:32:47 PM] Mojo: they're just having one
[12:32:55 PM] furthatch ÚlfBjörn: bethestda does no make these games, they just own the rights
[12:33:06 PM] Tobias Ferrus: So some other company is making this game?
[12:33:11 PM] Tobias Ferrus: Hoooo boy...
[12:33:23 PM] furthatch ÚlfBjörn: yes elder scrolls
[12:35:13 PM] risky business: >large scale mmo
[12:35:14 PM] risky business: >servers
[12:35:15 PM] risky business: ho ho hooooo
[12:35:17 PM] risky business: dayz 2.0 anyone?
[12:35:37 PM] Tobias Ferrus: hardly a comparison
[12:35:46 PM] Tobias Ferrus: Also, I'm wondering how they're going to fix balance
[12:35:50 PM] risky business: have you played
[12:35:54 PM] Tobias Ferrus: Yes
[12:35:56 PM] Tobias Ferrus: Both
[12:36:17 PM] risky business: isnt
[12:36:21 PM] risky business: elder scrolls mmo
[12:36:22 PM] risky business: like
[12:36:24 PM] risky business: not
[12:36:25 PM] risky business: in existance yet
[12:36:33 PM] Tobias Ferrus: lets hope it stays that way
[12:36:40 PM] risky business: then how have you played both
[12:37:00 PM] Tobias Ferrus: I've played Skyrim and oblivion, I know how they structure their games
[12:37:21 PM] risky business: but you guys were just talking about how a different company is making it..
[12:37:23 PM] risky business: straitis i dont understand you
[12:37:27 PM] Tobias Ferrus: The elder scrolls serious involves making a fuck off overpowered character who can do just about everything
[12:37:30 PM] furthatch ÚlfBjörn: morrowind was good to
[12:37:38 PM] Tobias Ferrus: How do you ballance that?
[12:37:42 PM] Tobias Ferrus: As opposed to Dayz
[12:37:56 PM] Tobias Ferrus: In which case the average character life is a little over an hour
[12:38:04 PM] Tobias Ferrus: So you cannot get fuck off overpowered
[12:38:08 PM] Tobias Ferrus: Not for long anyway
[12:38:12 PM] risky business: i would assume thats because most people who play dayz play it completely and utterly wrong
[12:38:18 PM] Tobias Ferrus: ...
[12:38:19 PM] risky business: the game devs would probably watch them play
[12:38:20 PM] risky business: and go
[12:38:24 PM] Tobias Ferrus: risky
[12:38:27 PM] risky business: wtf are those idiots doing
[12:38:32 PM] darklordxavier: same way any normal mmo balances a leveling system?
[12:38:39 PM | Edited 12:38:44 PM] Tobias Ferrus: I just reaslied you're trying to debate something of which you have no knowledge of
[12:38:52 PM] Tobias Ferrus: Please don't
[12:38:57 PM] risky business: if you say so
[12:39:01 PM] risky business: i guess it must be the truth
[12:39:02 PM] risky business: since you said it
[12:39:12 PM] risky business: *bows*
[12:39:15 PM] Tobias Ferrus: You said that people suck at playing Dayz without ever knowing it yourself
[12:39:23 PM] Tobias Ferrus: So I'm meant to take your word for it?
[12:39:27 PM | Edited 12:39:28 PM] Tobias Ferrus: Hypocrite
[12:39:35 PM] risky business: what
[12:39:40 PM] risky business: i said
[12:39:41 PM] risky business: i would assume
[12:39:43 PM] risky business: not
[12:39:46 PM] risky business: this is objective fact
[12:39:59 PM] risky business: i think you should clam ur flam mister
[12:40:02 PM] Blood: X3
[12:40:08 PM] Blood: I love you guys
[12:40:12 PM] Tobias Ferrus: You only bring fact tio a debate...
[12:40:17 PM | Edited 12:40:21 PM] Tobias Ferrus: This is not politics
[12:40:20 PM] risky business: i even used the word
[12:40:21 PM] risky business: 'probably'
[12:40:26 PM] Blood: You're better than day time television.
[12:40:48 PM] risky business: yeah but youre assuming what you are saying is fact
[12:40:48 PM] risky business: in which case
[12:40:48 PM] risky business: why even debate
[12:40:48 PM] risky business: that defeats the purpose
[12:40:53 PM] Tobias Ferrus: Never the less, you berate a game you're never played and favored a flawed design
[12:40:58 PM] darklordxavier: yeah but the way you said it was like. FACT: people play it wrong. I assume that's why the character average life i sso short
[12:41:17 PM] Tobias Ferrus: You base assumption on what you believe is fact
[12:41:25 PM] risky business: i base assumption on what i have observed
[12:41:26 PM] risky business: actually
[12:41:29 PM] risky business: not what i believe is fact
[12:41:38 PM] risky business: you sure are good at putting words into my mouth that i didnt say
[12:41:39 PM] risky business: you should do it some more
[12:41:51 PM | Edited 12:42:38 PM] Tobias Ferrus: I will stick something else in your mouth if you're not careful
[12:41:58 PM] Blood: .o.
[12:41:59 PM] risky business: haaaaaaahahahaahahahahahahahahah
[12:42:11 PM] risky business: hahahahahahah oh my god
[12:42:15 PM] risky business: seriously
[12:42:15 PM] Tobias Ferrus:
[12:42:20 PM] risky business: i am aware i can and will probably at some point be wrong
[12:42:35 PM] risky business: why not just say
[12:42:38 PM] risky business: 'i dont believe thats true'
[12:42:44 PM] risky business: instead of
[12:42:48 PM] risky business: RISKY U KNOW NOTHING OMG
[12:42:50 PM] risky business: or whatever it was
[12:43:13 PM] risky business: you verbal diarrhea'd into the skype window
[12:43:19 PM] risky business: and no i dont know how to spell that word
[12:43:38 PM] Tobias Ferrus: I will state this simply, in Dayz people don't live long enough to get fuck off over powered, it's just how the game works and the reason why people love it. Skyrim, or anything like Skyrim is expected to have solid development of character, ie they don't die
[12:43:39 PM] risky business: if you had let me keep talking before interrupting
[12:43:40 PM] risky business: i was going to say
[12:43:42 PM] darklordxavier: that is how you spell it
[12:43:42 PM] Tobias Ferrus: or get deleted
[12:43:43 PM] darklordxavier: grats
[12:43:50 PM] risky business: oh good
[12:43:50 PM] Tobias Ferrus: So how would you deal with people getting over powered?
[12:44:10 PM] darklordxavier: pvp/pve servers
[12:44:13 PM] risky business: shhh
[12:44:15 PM] Tobias Ferrus: Funny how you claim that I put words in your mouth and then you go and do that
[12:44:15 PM] risky business: as i was saying
[12:44:15 PM] risky business: if you had let me finish
[12:44:21 PM] Tobias Ferrus: You're enjoyable
[12:44:44 PM] risky business: ??
[12:44:46 PM] risky business: did i do that
[12:44:57 PM] risky business: please point out as to where i did that
[12:44:58 PM] risky business: show the court where my words touched you
[12:45:17 PM] Tobias Ferrus: Tobias Ferrus pulls his pants down
[12:45:49 PM] Blood: Make more argument :c
[12:45:52 PM] risky business: straitis i enjoy a good debate
[12:46:05 PM] Tobias Ferrus: And I enjoy a good masterbate
[12:46:09 PM] Tobias Ferrus: What's your point?
[12:46:12 PM] risky business: but you truly are an idiot sometimes
[12:46:14 PM] risky business: now
[12:46:15 PM] risky business: as i was saying for the 5th time
[12:46:19 PM] Tobias Ferrus: Ehehehe
[12:46:22 PM] Tobias Ferrus: You're still funny
[12:46:31 PM] Tobias Ferrus: And you're yet to make a point
[12:46:39 PM] Tobias Ferrus: You're too focused on slander
[12:46:42 PM] risky business: what
[12:46:43 PM] risky business: ive been
[12:46:44 PM] risky business: trying to say
[12:46:44 PM] risky business: my point
[12:46:59 PM] risky business: but you keep trying to-
[12:47:09 PM] darklordxavier: is masterbate a contraction of master debate or a misspelling of masturbate
[12:47:17 PM] risky business: okay its quite clear youre retared im just not going to engage and continue on with what i was saying
[12:47:17 PM] risky business: retarded*
[12:47:20 PM] risky business: so
[12:47:23 PM] Tobias Ferrus: Darklord, it was a pun
[12:47:31 PM] Tobias Ferrus: So glad you picked it up
[12:47:41 PM] Tobias Ferrus: And again with the slander Risky
[12:47:45 PM] Tobias Ferrus: You're yet to make a point
[12:47:50 PM] Tobias Ferrus: I use fact, you slander
[12:47:50 PM] darklordxavier: i was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt lol
[12:48:02 PM] Tobias Ferrus: That's all you've been doing
[12:48:31 PM] risky business: i would assume that most people play it wrong based on the observations ive had through the game being that many people die very quickly and a handful of people survive for much much longer on average than the usual average
[12:48:39 PM] Tobias Ferrus: This "school yard" debating tactics you're using, otherwise known as bullying is actually growing tiresome
[12:48:44 PM] risky business: so i would think the average lifetime of one hour is rather
[12:48:46 PM] risky business: oh my god why are you still talking
[12:48:57 PM] risky business: anyway
[12:48:57 PM] Tobias Ferrus: Because it's funny to watch you're reactions
[12:49:16 PM] Tobias Ferrus: You're yet to mopve past the bit where you 'assume' that people just suck at playing the game
[12:49:33 PM] risky business: why would i move past it
[12:49:33 PM] risky business: im not
[12:49:36 PM] risky business: trying to prove anything to you
[12:49:37 PM] Tobias Ferrus: And are yet to counter what I've brought up about character develpment in the long run
[12:49:42 PM] Blood: What game are you on about
[12:49:46 PM] risky business: i just wanted to say something i had observed
[12:49:49 PM] Tobias Ferrus: Skyrim the mmorpg
[12:49:50 PM] risky business: what the actual fuck is wrong with you
[12:50:01 PM] Tobias Ferrus: I have a list here somewhere
[12:50:12 PM] Tobias Ferrus: Also, you're still trying to use the bullying tact
[12:50:24 PM] Tobias Ferrus: Really using that against the wrong person here
[12:50:29 PM] risky business: %L
[12:50:47 PM] risky business: please someone else tell me its not just me witnessing this
[12:50:54 PM] risky business: its almost too ridiculous to believe
[12:51:05 PM] Tobias Ferrus: Still using the slander tact
[12:51:13 PM] risky business: i must actually be dreaming
[12:51:15 PM] risky business: or having a horrible nightmare
[12:51:17 PM] Tobias Ferrus: It's really that hard to believe that someone won't agree with you blindly?
[12:51:31 PM] Blood: Tobi you're being a dick ._.
[12:51:33 PM] risky business: i never asked you to agree with me
[12:51:36 PM] risky business: now im just trying to work out
[12:51:39 PM] Tobias Ferrus: When all you do is slander and make sibjective comments on topics you know so little about
[12:51:40 PM] risky business: if youre being serious
[12:51:42 PM] risky business: and are actually
[12:51:44 PM | Edited 12:51:52 PM] Tobias Ferrus: I know I am.
[12:51:45 PM] risky business: that stupid
[12:51:48 PM] risky business: or youre just 'trolling'
[12:51:58 PM] risky business: yeah
[12:52:00 PM] risky business: subjective comments
[12:52:02 PM] risky business: how dare i do that
[12:52:04 PM] risky business: its almost like
[12:52:14 PM] risky business: making subjective comments on things you dont know much about
[12:52:14 PM] risky business: is how you learn more
[12:52:15 PM] risky business: about the subject
[12:52:16 PM] risky business: oh wait
[12:52:22 PM] risky business: which is the point of debate
[12:52:24 PM] risky business: and discussion
[12:52:25 PM] risky business: as i said earlier
[12:52:27 PM] risky business: but apparently not
[12:52:35 PM] risky business: everything i say should be fact and if its not then it shouldnt be said
[12:52:38 PM] Tobias Ferrus: Subjectiveness does not equal fact
[12:52:58 PM] risky business: really
[12:53:01 PM] risky business: thats interesting
[12:53:05 PM] Tobias Ferrus: Also, what you just described was bigoty
[12:53:12 PM] Tobias Ferrus: Not debate
[12:53:16 PM] risky business: tell me more things i already know
[12:53:26 PM] Tobias Ferrus: I'm glad you agree then
[12:53:35 PM] Blood: This is so fun to read
[12:53:43 PM | Edited 12:53:47 PM] Tobias Ferrus: We know Dlyan
[12:53:50 PM] Blood: Dylan*
[12:53:54 PM] Tobias Ferrus: Cheers
[12:54:05 PM] Tobias Ferrus: Sorry about that ;~;
[12:54:09 PM] Tobias Ferrus: Tobias Ferrus hugs a Dylan
[12:54:14 PM] risky business: what i just
[12:54:14 PM] risky business: described
[12:54:17 PM] risky business: what do you even mean by that
[12:54:19 PM] Blood: I'm good
[12:55:00 PM] Mojo: Oh Blood...
[12:55:13 PM] Blood: Whaaat
[12:55:15 PM] Blood: I did nothing
[12:55:21 PM] Mojo: OH Blood...
[12:55:21 PM] risky business: straitis i await your explanation
[12:55:22 PM] Tobias Ferrus: Making subjective comments about something you know little about is not learning, it's trying to force your half baked ideas down someones throat, asking questions is how you learn, or maybe even doing research on the topic
[12:55:30 PM] Blood: I'm an innocent bystandard being caught up in the cruel, cold hands of fate
[12:55:39 PM] Tobias Ferrus: Blood, you're enjoying this
[12:55:43 PM] risky business: rofl
[12:55:43 PM] Blood: I am :3
[12:55:44 PM] risky business: straitis
[12:55:45 PM | Edited 12:55:50 PM] Tobias Ferrus: Don't pretend otherwise
[12:55:45 PM] risky business: i didnt ask anyone
[12:55:47 PM] risky business: to take what i said
[12:55:49 PM] risky business: as fact
[12:55:53 PM] Mojo: You are -not- innocent, Blood :P
[12:55:58 PM] risky business: or even consider it as reliable information
[12:56:01 PM] Blood: I am the innocence of the world
[12:56:03 PM] risky business: you are actually making shit up
[12:56:08 PM] Mojo: You're full of shit :P
[12:56:11 PM] Blood: I am not :c
[12:56:15 PM] Mojo: Mojo pokes Blood
[12:56:15 PM] risky business: i was just going to give my subjective assumption
[12:56:16 PM] risky business: into a discussion
[12:56:17 PM] Mojo: lies
[12:56:17 PM] risky business: i havent even been able to do that
[12:56:18 PM] risky business: because you were so quick
[12:56:18 PM] Blood: I'm full of sunshine, lollipops and rainbows.
[12:56:20 PM] risky business: to make up a whole bunch of shit
[12:56:20 PM] Tobias Ferrus: I'm operating within fact
[12:56:22 PM] risky business: that didnt happen
[12:56:24 PM] Mojo: Ok
[12:56:27 PM] risky business: no
[12:56:27 PM] risky business: you arent
[12:56:28 PM] Mojo: That makes you a faggot
[12:56:28 PM] darklordxavier: and everything that's wonderful?
[12:56:29 PM] risky business: you actually arent at all
[12:56:29 PM | Edited 12:56:35 PM] Tobias Ferrus: You're stil slandering
[12:56:32 PM] risky business: youre operating on insanity
[12:56:38 PM] risky business: its not slander if its true
[12:56:39 PM] risky business: unfortunately
[12:56:43 PM] Blood: No :c
[12:56:48 PM] Blood: I'm filled with everything that you hate
[12:56:51 PM] Mojo: ...
[12:56:51 PM] Tobias Ferrus: Once again you have no idea what you're talking about on the topic
[12:56:52 PM] Mojo: true...
[12:56:54 PM] darklordxavier: so yes
[12:56:54 PM] Mojo: Wait!
[12:57:03 PM] Blood: Everything that makes you wish you could just drop off the face of the earth and die @.@
[12:57:04 PM] Mojo: I loev lollipops!
[12:57:14 PM] Mojo: Rainbows are pretty
[12:57:15 PM] Tobias Ferrus: You assume that because I oppose your view I am insane
[12:57:18 PM] Mojo: but I agree on the sun...
[12:57:18 PM] risky business: well
[12:57:19 PM] Blood: They're lollipops made of dead children
[12:57:28 PM] Mojo: Much better
[12:57:31 PM] Blood: And rainbows made of ghosts.
[12:57:36 PM] risky business: do i
[12:57:38 PM] Tobias Ferrus: Once again, slander based on a subjective observation
[12:57:38 PM] Blood: And not friendly ghosts
[12:57:42 PM] risky business: where did i do say that
[12:57:43 PM] Mojo: The ghosts of those dead children?
[12:57:47 PM] risky business: where did i say that*
[12:57:54 PM] Tobias Ferrus: [12:56 PM] risky business:
<<< youre operating on insanity
its not slander if its true
[12:57:54 PM] Blood: The ones that steal your condom during sex and make you have unwanted pregnancy
[12:57:55 PM] risky business: that i thought you were insane because i opposed your view
[12:57:57 PM] risky business: where did that happen
[12:58:04 PM] risky business: excuse me
[12:58:04 PM] risky business: i said
[12:58:14 PM] risky business: where did i say that i thought you were insane because i opposed your view
[12:58:16 PM] Tobias Ferrus: You're telling me that I'm in fact insane
[12:58:18 PM] risky business: >because i opposed your view
[12:58:22 PM] risky business: being the key word
[12:58:29 PM] risky business: that you didnt address
[12:58:33 PM] Tobias Ferrus: And the who thing we've been doing here is opposing views
[12:58:34 PM] risky business: key phrase
[12:58:39 PM] risky business: no
[12:58:40 PM] risky business: it wasnt
[12:58:44 PM] risky business: youve been opposing a view
[12:58:45 PM] risky business: you made up
[12:58:47 PM] risky business: of your own accord
[12:58:50 PM] Tobias Ferrus: Yes
[12:58:51 PM] risky business: and attributed to me
[12:59:04 PM] risky business: i just wanted to say something about a video game i had observed
[12:59:06 PM] Tobias Ferrus: Because unlike you, I didn't just read something and blindly agree with it
[12:59:14 PM] risky business: if you make more of that
[12:59:18 PM] risky business: then thats your problem and fault
[12:59:24 PM] risky business: wait what
[12:59:28 PM] risky business: since when do i blindly agree with things
[12:59:34 PM] Tobias Ferrus: The whole point of this was that a skyrim MMOPRG would have hidious balane issues
[12:59:41 PM] risky business: i wasnt even
[12:59:42 PM] risky business: talking about that
[12:59:44 PM] Tobias Ferrus: And all you've really done is try and put me down
[12:59:51 PM] darklordxavier: I don't see why it'd have horrible balance issues though :c
[12:59:55 PM] risky business: straitis
[12:59:56 PM] risky business: i think
[12:59:57 PM] risky business:
[12:59:58 PM] darklordxavier: just have level appropriate zones
[1:00:01 PM] risky business: this comic
[1:00:01 PM] risky business: applies
[1:00:03 PM] risky business: to you
[1:00:09 PM] Tobias Ferrus: You're still slandering
[1:00:14 PM] risky business: because now im almost certain you are just being a
[1:00:15 PM] risky business: 'master troll'
[1:00:23 PM] risky business: if you say so mate
[1:00:31 PM] Tobias Ferrus: That I do
[1:00:32 PM] risky business: god of all truths and fact
[1:00:33 PM] risky business: please tell me more
[1:00:42 PM] Tobias Ferrus: Ehehehe
[1:00:46 PM] Tobias Ferrus: So you still slander
[1:00:52 PM] risky business: aw
[1:00:54 PM] risky business: a repeat
[1:00:55 PM] Tobias Ferrus: You cannot bring up a flaw
[1:00:55 PM] risky business: i expected better
[1:01:13 PM] Tobias Ferrus: Nor can you bring up an opposition to my claims
[1:01:18 PM] risky business: thats a new one
[1:01:18 PM] risky business: i like it
[1:01:21 PM] risky business: but could be better
[1:01:21 PM] Blood: Mojoooo
[1:01:27 PM] Tobias Ferrus: All you've done its use insults
[1:01:32 PM | Edited 1:01:36 PM] Tobias Ferrus: Which have actually been rather funny
[1:01:34 PM] risky business: im disappointed by that one
[1:01:47 PM] risky business: i wouldve expected something more believable by the god of truth and fact
[1:01:56 PM] risky business: you lack discipline
[1:02:03 PM] Blood: This is so funny XD
[1:02:18 PM] Tobias Ferrus: if I were a god you'd be dead, Dylan would not have self worth issues and I would be sitting on a pile of books
[1:02:27 PM] Mojo: Yes, Blood?
[1:02:33 PM] risky business: what an interesting thing to say
[1:02:34 PM] risky business: what else do you have to say
[1:03:08 PM] Tobias Ferrus: I think that, based on what I have seen here, that you have a serious ego.
[1:03:22 PM] Tobias Ferrus: Which is why you're fun to play with
[1:03:29 PM] Tobias Ferrus: I cannot avoid people like you
[1:03:47 PM] Tobias Ferrus: I'm almost compelled to find you people out
[1:03:54 PM] Blood: Give me
[1:03:57 PM] Blood: Your body
[1:03:59 PM] risky business: ohhh thats some deep shit
[1:04:14 PM] risky business: hes hacking right into my self esteem
[1:04:16 PM] risky business: help
[1:04:20 PM] Tobias Ferrus: Lol
[1:04:23 PM] Tobias Ferrus: No I'm not
[1:04:33 PM] risky business: oh shit he denied it NOW IM SO CONFUSED!!
[1:04:36 PM] Tobias Ferrus: I'm mearly stating that I love people like you
[1:04:58 PM] risky business: clever guise
[1:05:03 PM] risky business: you must have read a book or something on this
[1:05:47 PM] Tobias Ferrus: Ehehehe
[1:06:03 PM] risky business: what other interesting and true things do you have to say
[1:06:09 PM] Tobias Ferrus: Yes, I read books and I become attracted to arseholes
[1:06:26 PM] Tobias Ferrus: Because that's how the brain works
[1:06:49 PM | Edited 1:09:26 PM] Tobias Ferrus: Which is why people look at you funny when you read manga, they think you're going to go hunting for Shotas
[1:07:34 PM] risky business: what
[1:07:49 PM] Tobias Ferrus: Or lolicons, depends what your taste is.
[1:08:27 PM] risky business: kk