Original Post
[S] Cake's Avatar/Signature Request Shop
Tori and Anime.
I take avvy and sig requests.
I'll take atleast 1k for avvys.
And 3k For Sigs, if you buy a pair 1K off.
My Prices are really cheap!


Everyone should make a for stating the following very clearlyy.

-Your Budget
-To the point details on the avvy you would like.
-Text? Where? What? Colour?

I'll be adding examples as soon as I get my First Customer!

And another special thing I'm selling is this:

Atleast 600 TC


-Text Clearly.
-Color1, Color2, Color3... maximum 7 Colors. (+350 TC after color2)
-They can be longer... as long as you want... so state it. (20x157 is normal size)
-Scanlines or not?
-Reflection or not?(+350TC)
-If you want the text itself to be bordered or not? (+1,000 TC)

PM me for any questions.
Last edited by list; Feb 9, 2013 at 05:36 AM.
Originally Posted by drandlymat View Post
I may order avvy if I can see good examples!

i said "I MAY ORDER"
@#w#@ | #AeonRevival | TheAnimal
Originally Posted by Cake View Post
Well to bad you're blind.

Originally Posted by drandlymat View Post
and you call those good examples?

Take it to PM.
Have any questions? Need help? PM me!
Mind deleting all the posts except the first three?

Oh and just offtopic..

Eason are you the only freaking Market Squad member active?
I mean, I see you in every thread! What are the others doing?