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[S/T]Full 128
or trade to
2)hunter force+vampire relax+hunter primary+hunter secondary
3) Hunter Force/Relax + Pure Force/Relax (relax+force or force+relax !No force + force and relax+relax
No One Want?
Last edited by Dimoha969; Feb 8, 2013 at 01:43 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I don't mean to be off-topic here, but I think this thread could fit more appropriately in the 'Items' sub-forum.

Considering this isn't art, I don't think it belongs in the 'Art/Textures' sub-forum.

And trust me, you'll get a lot more bids in 'Items' anyways..

Eason Moderated Message:
User was warned for this post. Backseat moderating.
Last edited by Eason; Feb 9, 2013 at 10:35 AM.
<Squidooo> Everyone loves aquatic creatures right?
<[S]Orko> Of course