VIP gives you a background, 150x avatar(or 350kb gif avatar), a 650x200 sig(or a 350kb gif), a usertitle, access to the VIP and ToriPrime thread, 6 lines in your sig, a symbol before your name, and you can search for threads or peoples posts, basically just look at this post
My signature was too long so I got this pretty rainbow here instead now. Isn't it nice? This is a nice rainbow.

Risk did this to me and I hate him forever, please join the official "Fuck Risk in the Ass With a Live Bat" social group to join me in hating Risk:
Click here to join my cult to fuck Risk in the ass with a live bat
Originally Posted by Trials
Toriprime costs $10 for 1 year, and VIP costs $7 for 6 months, however you can only buy VIP when you have Toriprime.

Toriprime Privileges:
-The Power to change the name of your Usertitle.
-The Power to have unlimited characters in your signature.
-The Power to see a secret Toriprime board.
-The Power to search the forums.
-The Power to upload bigger avatars (up to 125x125 pixels).
-The Power to have a picture in your signature (up to 400x100 pixels).

VIP Privileges:
-The Power to upload (much) bigger avatars (up to 150x150 pixels).
-The Power to upload animated avatars.
-The Power to add a character before your name (I.E. %Ishi)
-The Power to have more room in your signature.
-The Power to have a (bigger) picture in your signature (up to 650x200 pixels).
-The Power to upload animated signature images.
-The Power to have a background image in your posts.
-The Power to take 50 percent off on broadcasting in-game.
-The Power to access the VIP board.
-The Power to have the VIP achievement.
-The Power to style your profile page (color, images etc).

Take note that these are PRIVILEGES. Once you abuse it, we WILL take action.

It may seem unfair to some users that we charge for these things, but its both to raise funds for running the servers, and to cut back on bandwidth usage.

just wanted to give you a more detailed answer, and you can buy them from the link that Wolfe posted.