[Ally] Alliance Recruitment Thread
Welcome potential Allies! This is the official thread to join the Alliance. All you have to do is answer this application, and try to appeal to the leaders of our clan. If we like what we see, you're in.
1. IGN and IRL names?
2. Your current belt?
3. How long have you been playing Toribash?
4. Been in previous clans? Why did you leave?
5. Why do you want to join Alliance?
6. Any Alternate Accounts?
7. Any infractions and/or bans?
8. Favorite mod?
9. How have you come to know Alliance?
10. How active are you in game? Forum wise? How often do you think you would donate?
11. Any friends you have that are already in Alliance?
12. Attach some replays of what you can do.
13. Anything else you want to say?
A few more fun questions:
1. You're in a dark room with a tied up leader of the Alliance. What do you do?
2. What would you do to get the Alliance a Klondike bar?
3. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck bagels?
4. How long is your fighting sword?
5. Which part of your soldier gear is most valuable?
6. How awesome is [z]?
7. Why have you decided to answer all these the way you did?
Last edited by Vradomor; Feb 17, 2013 at 08:23 PM.