Secret Santa 2024
Original Post
[S] minecraft acount
I saw some people sell their minecraft acount
And since I got extremely bored of it,
I want to sell it
Tc only
Stupid offers will be reported
That's is just a spam question
You only have like 1.6k
Unless you don't not get the tc, the next post of yours will be reported
not accepting offers below 100k
Originally Posted by TOA
Do not distribute anything we've made. This includes, but not limited to, the client or the server software for the game. This also includes modified versions of anything we've made. Also, you may not resell any gift codes or licence keys - but of course you can give gift codes as gifts. This is necessary so that we can help stop piracy and fraud - and especially users buying keys that have been fraudulently obtained.

Hattersin wants that.