Re: Vector Art, VOX/Sieg/11D/1000 creds is asking for YOUR help.
nice, that was completely unhelpful! lol.
1: only using photoshop. or gimp, or MS paint.
2: trying to drawn manga...
3: that tutorial cheats a lot :P like currently i do.
4... well here's my very first try ever at manga stay vector art...
pleas don't prosecute me and put me on a stake, i know this pic sucks, i know the hair needs work and i also know that the text frubed up, for some reason the bevel died, I'm looking into that i think it's a upload problem so should take to long to ix that alone.
anyway here's my first Toribash/Manga thingumabob.
EDIT: for some reason the text works here but nowhere else... think it's the white background...