Christmas Lottery
A good video maker comes up with his own ideas.

Also, you might want to work more on your videos. A lot more actually. The text at the beginning looked very out of place. If you're going to make an intro with your name on it, make it look half decent, at least.

Did you reverse the music or what the fuck because that was very awkward and shit. Sync was off in most parts, actually. Sync was off and that's all.

Add some CC and get better framerates. That's all.

PS: I see you stopped posting 300 vods a day. That's good. But please put more time and effort next time.



I play games and lift weights.
The only thing I got from this is a 30 fps video slowed down 2x.
Your freecam is really weird. Make up your mind on which way you want it to go.
Get some fonts to work with. Windows fonts are ugly as hell.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

I liked the video, just didn't really like the rewind effect as well as the song.
Keep it up though dude 6/10 atm
<13chillz> Grab a crayon and go zoom zoom
that was one mistake i learned already and it was my first time every posting EVER so i didnt know the rules i thought.. you know what it doesnt matter anyways thank you for your input but im confused explain how any of that was not my idea? i thought on how to make the vid.. i dont see how its not my ideas...
thank you for your input bro XD
thank you i never even thought about the fonts. i was worried on putting the video together to much. and nothing was slow mo. XD
Last edited by unseendead; Mar 11, 2013 at 04:22 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
No, I meant that you don't need other people to give you ideas. You should come up with them yourself.
I play games and lift weights.