Who exactly is Destiny Power?
I meeeeeeeeeeen, I hear his name a lot, here, there, in the closet, in the public
toilets, people are like 'Destiny Power lol him lol wtf lol', it's really confusing,
because I do not know who he is.
Once I heard his name being called in a silent room with no sound, maybe
I was just talking to my self, I don't know.
Anyway, who is hee? he's so famous and stuff, but from the impression I got,
he has really bad reputation.
I asked people on the IRC, IG, didn't answer me, yeah, I asked the famous players and the oldschoolers.
Is he like Voldemort!? like, 'His name cannot be said' and that kind of stuff?
Last edited by Metriakon; Apr 1, 2013 at 12:08 AM.