[A] 2 cool heads, 1TC STARTING BID!
Auction ends Mon. April 8th at 5:00 PM
Min bid 1tc on both with a min raise of 100tc
Head1 (this is the first attached thumbnail)
Artist- openfield
Prev. Owner- openfield
Size- 128x128
Recolor- no
Resize- no
Change- no
Auto buy- 500tc
Head 2(Second thumbnail)
Artist- santy337
prev. owner- santy337
size- 512x512
no resize, recolor, or change.
Auto buy- 1k
Note- This texture is on my 128 head, but with 512 it will look better.
Last edited by Tman109; Apr 9, 2013 at 05:18 AM.
Reason: Closing