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[Idea]ToriWorld Clan Event
why not make a toriworld map for people in clans
how it works:
1. clans register with 10k
2. make a map of toriworld put the clans that REGISTERED to be there
3. those clans start as villages
4. first clan registered picks the clan they would attack as for the second the third etc.
5. those villages are near each other right? that means you may attack the village near you the winners claim the land of the losers (losers will get eliminated)
6.the last clan remaining wins all the tc

the mod they would fight in is either wushu or abd
there must be a GM there to see who won/who lost
That's bojan's idea from two years ago, he even had some things already prepared but then shit hit the fan and we didn't get it in the end.
Idea itself is good but toribash clans are incompetent and irresponsible when it comes to bigger events. It would fail.
Originally Posted by smosh023 View Post
This aint RPG son

Using a bit of imagination for events doesn't hurt. We aren't shackled to simple tournaments, leagues, replay making events and such.

I'd find something like this incredibly cool, though the problems with this would be
1) Organizing and having enough motivated people to do this. It would take long, so it'd be important for the hosters to not get bored of it.
2) Also getting motivated contestants, as Powas said.

It would be incredibly cool, if it succeeded that is. The above mentioned facts pretty much affect every large event. There's always those who miss out their matches due to not paying enough attention.

I won't be closing this thread. Maybe someone has ideas for this to make it better?
GMT destroys everything. Long time span of event destroys everything.

From mine experience, every event that is longer than a week and asks for coordination between players from different GMTs are prone to be fucked. And, that is nicely said.

Good event with large hype produced with good presentation can last longer, but it is still doomed by two things mentioned above.
Also, majority of people that played this game and was ready to invest themselves into community through unorthodox contests are gone. Just... Gone.

I have prepared in my 'little notebook of events' things that would be grand, awesome and totally original in every way, but when I come to forum, scroll down through events and see what is happening with them, I know I just lie myself that it would work.
General lack of enthusiasm. That's all I can see.

Big events need big staff to organize them. People that you can count on. There is no people like that in TB anymore. Cruel fact. Also, big events need backing from the 'upper staff', which usually lost their elan in overburden bureaucracy or just can't see their 'calculation' and interest in it. Another cruel fact.

I'm afraid that times of big and awesome events have past. Today for something like that you would need an army of people boot-kicking lazy bastards to move their asses to do it, together with another army to do the same for TB users. Impossible.

Another thing is: if they don't see big fat prize of TC and items, they wont even consider it to apply for event. Inflation or whatever, maybe greed, just turns away many potential contestants, leaving it all to newbie players that don't comprehend 'complicated' events, well, it might be an age related thing. Idk.

I've thought to start one last grand event, forum-based, with minimal 'ingame' input, bypassing the GMT problems, that would cover all clans willing to participate, but... As I said, every time I lurk on forum to see how people are responding to some stuff, I just know it would be a just one big fuck-up and complete waste of time.
wasnt there once a event similar to this where it was about territory´s with clans and they could fight about a new and receive if they win?
im sure there was one, even with map.
just cant find it yet...
Parrot | Tabby | Nike | [Midnight] | Foxy | Deridor | Joel

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Reta's Bitch, Property of Kriegery, Bribed by Bird, Tinerr 4 President.
Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Take the land, that must be taken. Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Devour worlds, smite forsaken
not this one, even before that there was event with hexagonal map and 2 teams consisted of 4 clans, the task was to take over enemy's HQ, the fight was uneven though because out of 8 participing clans only 4 actually cared about it.
ToriWorld year One...

Yeah. That was the last time I made a fool of myself.
Drawing all art things like madman, updating all stuff, spending every minute of my free time to animate people.
GMs gave up, (many didn't even know what it was all about), friends went inactive (who can blame them, they have lives outside TB), some things with web codes has been removed (apparently security issues idk, maybe I have even got some staff member in trouble because of that and Google documents embedded in forum post), GMT problems (as always...)
To cut long story short - it got fucked up.

That's why I'll never try to make something like that again.

My other idea was Tori-states, where every clan would be presented with virtual territories, and by doing clan wars you could enlarge your state and receive some goodies for that. But... What to say? It was way 'complex and innovative' for this forum.
It would call for some serious coding and TB doesn't have people who can do it. Too much of a work for a game that isn't that much popular.

No one thought that it had potential to expand Toriclans and Torishop market (flags, castles, and other shit like that), which would be strictly cosmetically add-ons but there would be probably some people ready to buy it and sink some TC in process.

not this one, even before that there was event with hexagonal map and 2 teams consisted of 4 clans, the task was to take over enemy's HQ, the fight was uneven though becouse out of 8 participing clans only 4 actually cared about it.

That was good event, and it went very nicely.

The one with pirates and ships was problematic one. Some clans were strictly Russian speaking clans and it was hell to translate rules to them. :} Ehhh, good old times...
If I had toriprime I would search for all those good old events and provide links, but I don't have it, and all of that is lost under garbage of posts... Sorry.
Found one: Usurper Event
And this one: Golden Skull event
Last edited by 8OJ4N; Apr 24, 2013 at 08:51 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump