Christmas Lottery
Original Post
A QI limit timer
I hit the QI limit for 100 yesterday. and I have no idea when I can gain QI again I know its 24 hours but i think we should make on the options menu an option to disable a QI limit timer that's counts down however many games you need to reach the limit and how long until you have until the 24 hours is up.
Or increase the the QI limit to 200
someone asked me how I do the 100 in one day but judo is really fast paced.
Last edited by Gtinmr; Apr 26, 2013 at 12:41 AM.
Try some slow mods man the not going to change everything just one user
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource
An option to disable the 24 hr 100 QI limit? That would take away the point of the devs implementing it in the first place.
I'm not saying remove it.. A counter that says how many games until you hit 100 and how much time until you can gain qi again
I agree.. I think.. there at least needs to be a gauge somewhere where you can see how many QI games you have left and how many hours/minutes until you can gain QI again.
Veni , Vidi , Vici
i think that qi limit resets after 23:59 (by PST - but for sure ask in irc support)
now go to ( Shop -> Ingame Earnings ) and go to first line and look on "Games Played" column. Thats it. No need additional timers in game
Last edited by xbcz; Apr 26, 2013 at 08:29 AM.