Original Post
[S] Finn head :3
Artist: Me
Size: 512*512
Min bid: 1500 tcs
auto buy: 2k
Colors: Pure/Aurora
I sell sets and heads if you need pm me!
Are you stealing from my members? First Velair, now kidflash13. Close this thread and stop stealing heads.
steal? want you to prove that I stole, I just make this head -.-
And I did not steal any head also -.-
Last edited by Sloww; Apr 28, 2013 at 07:01 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I sell sets and heads if you need pm me!
Dl and lp kidflash13

Also, even using others head textures as a reference is illegal/punishable. Please stop stealing.
link these two heads are not equal, and that the head kidflash13 has nothing to do with mine, I think you need glasses, and please I wanted to pursue peace with my selling.
I sell sets and heads if you need pm me!
Originally Posted by Pwr View Post
Dl and lp kidflash13

Basically his is a tiny bit detailed with the exact mapping of "your" head.
Originally Posted by Pwr
even using others head textures as a reference is illegal/punishable. Please stop stealing.

Originally Posted by Sloww View Post
link these two heads are not equal, and that the head kidflash13 has nothing to do with mine, I think you need glasses, and please I wanted to pursue peace with my selling.

Same case with Velair's head. You can't use others heads as a reference man. I give you 12 hours before I report you. Close this thread.
The heads are not equal you can not report me now leave without a fight here.
I sell sets and heads if you need pm me!
Originally Posted by Pwr View Post
Also, even using others head textures as a reference is illegal/punishable. Please stop stealing.

I'm sorry, but I cant standby while you steal from my members. I can report you because similar head textures can be reported for "blatant copying/plagiarism".
The head emo is the same style, more is not equal to its member, head over to the finn has nothing to do
Well, you already ruined my sales will close the Thread, ready now live happily -.-
Last edited by Sloww; Apr 28, 2013 at 07:34 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I sell sets and heads if you need pm me!
Meh, if this isint down by the time I wake up, I'm reporting. Good luck selling "your" head