SET v2.0
I like it! It has that "neony" feel, but the legs are just c/p and the edges looks rough?
the tribal brushes could have been used more effectively, the individual brushes are still quite recognisable.
the mapping of the head could be improved
and the arms and hands definitely need something more
but i like the finish, looks pretty
looks like you had a good idea, then got lazy
I like it, the head, torso and hands look very nice.
I dislike the legs honestly, they look a bit plain in my opinion and the arms really just don't fit the set.
All of the other tribal lines look much thicker than the lines on the arms.
I'm very impressed though, if this is really your first set then you've done a great job. 7
As for price, I would pay somewhere between 10-20k if I was interested in it.
First? Well, not really bad, it's obviously a tribal, right?
Well, i've liked it, some parts have a lot of details, but some parts have bad mapping too, in the case of the arms, i don't even know what is that... But the rest seems ok.
Keep making and improving, you can got some TC selling sets like this.
Set v2.0