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[ART] HourGlass


I made the hourglass from some fish bones and a seahorse.
Pics are made with my phone so that explains the low quality.
cnc if you want
Pm me for deals
Uh that's pretty damn creepy but yeah it's pretty cool.
Where did you get the glass from?
"and I have tons of friends" Deakster/Dickmaniac/Deak
Is it functional?
It looks cool. Doesn't the seahorse degrade/smell over time? Or did you preserve in some sort of chemical, or is it a plastic seahorse? ;p
it's natural. i have for 2 or 3 years dosen't smell or anything. it's dryed. and it's functional
Pm me for deals
Originally Posted by Clockwork8 View Post
Animal cruelty deserves no respect

Idk if finding a dead seahorse on the beach qualifies as animal cruelty but whatever
Pm me for deals
Yes, it's cruel to force that dead carcass to go into infinite loop of time and sand. XD
Oh, the post I read at this forum... It's so funny sometimes! XD

As, for the horse-glass, ah sorry, I mean hourglass , If you decided to add him, why not also make some carvings in the stand (at least color it in same tones like seahorse)? U missed the opportunity do make something more original. Looking at that seahorse, I see a work that could have be a hourglass in H.R. Giger style...

Its crude and it looks like home-made souvenir. What to say more? :|
''After the showers is the sun.
Will be shining...''