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Finding ways to play at work
I havent been ingame for quite a long while, cause of two things. We have switched to developing stuff in linux. Yay for me in one sense, but I have to train people in using this maligned OS now.

So, I'll be on sparingly... or during freetime at least.

Secondly. I can't seem to run toribash in 64-bit installations. Weird though, but it'll get fixed.

Just citing the things keeping me away from playing.

Good Luck!
Ich liebe zu kommen Bauch reibt <3 Kann ich einen bauch haben reiben? :3 Reiben Sie Meinen Bauch. >:D Nao.
<Drakea> My ass can reflect bullets and lazers.
<SokuTofu> My boobs reach the moon
<SokuTofu> OWAIT

Someone was having trouble running Toribash on Win64 (yes, I know that what you're talking about is different :P) recently. I doubt the game has great compatibility there...

Regardless, hope you can get it all up and going.
"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."
Originally Posted by avwave View Post
Secondly. I can't seem to run toribash in 64-bit installations. Weird though, but it'll get fixed.

It runs fine on my 64bit ubuntu