Christmas Lottery
Original Post
Xbox/ps3 Gamer id's
Okai so i kinda thought it would be cool to play online with some of you peeps my gamertag for xbox (no ps3 ) is koalaking22

Xbox Psn

Volare-a shichibukai Zyrax-Schurli_


Last edited by koalaking; May 16, 2013 at 09:33 PM.
My xbox gamertag is: A Shichibukai
<aracoon> we have been asking about your middle name all night
<hampa> 420
PS3: iiGrandpa

You also need to edit that post, and put under each system which person has it.
That would make everything much neater.

Yeah , remove minecraft and other game shit and make from all 1 'GAME THREAD' .

Sorry for shit but realy , making lot of threads when you can make one good thread about it if you think , good explian APPLEDOSA ;)
I think you should keep it the way it is.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.