Yes, let us bring back people punching others in the nose for no apparent reason, throwing them off chairs, hitting them with bamboo sticks, pushing you in to the wall because you tried to say 'Hi'. As an Aussie, I can't say a lot on the topic of America's school systems, but I don't think that nearly any kids would want this, as this would lead back to depression, and not everyone gets help for it, and either grows up depressed for the rest of life, or commit suicide, which is one of the leading causes of death around the world for children aged 12-18.
And in conclusion, in most schools, if you told the teachers or the principal that someone got their head cut off, they wouldn't care. It's not what they're paid for, and I for one can say that for three years of my schooling, grades 3-5, this one kid did all the things that I mentioned at the start of this reply, and all he ever got was ONE DETENTION.
~Not Supported