I read somewhere that in the dna of humans, it is encoded for us to believe in a higher power. Trippy.
Also, the reason why we all look different is the result of a couple million years of hominid species and subspecies interbreeding (6 million years if you count great ape divergence from the australopithecines).
So yeah, there is no such thing as a "pure" human anymore, we're basically the same as dog mutts, that's why we all look so different individually (which is also why cats and dogs look different, since we bred each breed for a unique role in most cases).
Also, fun fact for all you racists out there/idiots who think black people "evolved" into white people:
Pure africans and aborigines (not african americans or "negros" or what have you) have no neanderthal dna. It is theorized that neanderthal spread to europe and asia from africa a million or so years ago, while cro-magnon man stayed in africa. Some time later, some cro-magnon families migrated to eurasia and mixed with the neanderthal population, while other cro-magnon families stayed in africa and/or possibly traveled to areas like australia. This explains why pure blacks don't have neandethal dna, and is also funny, because it implies that pure blacks are the purest strain of "human" still existing today.
And to answer the OP question, human greed is what started the crusades under the false banner of "holy warfare". Same thing can be said for just about any western religion, it is used by the greedy to control the weak and dumb, and t is used by visionaries to inspire all the plebeians.