Original Post
Ok. i'm a bit tired of this...
I love the recruiters and all,
but were getting so many people.

and its getting a bit annoying...

But i mean, its whatever.
i've been in this clan from the start i played TB, but it was so much... ah, friendlier.

Pretty much, we have all these people, and no activity from a lot of them.

Bez too.
whereever the fuck he is.
Arisen from the dead.
Yes we do. Bez isn't really in the clan. And, we needed more members.
Meow, I am quite a cat these days.
Even though no one knows me, I know more about them than they know of me.
Have them more active.
I've been in unce for a while now...
and during the time of Blams leave, we were active.
Arisen from the dead.
lol dipshit,im not in the clan,im just the forum guru.
i thought you said you knew that when i talked to you

but yeah,ive been wanting to say this,but you;ve had the balls to say it before me,were getting like so many people at one time,but yes,its fucking annoying.

you dont do checks on these people.
there like random people that were just pulled aside
how do we know they even have intrest in unce and just wanted to be in a clan?
are they even active on the forums?
^ these are the things you need to look for people.
Last edited by Bezurker; Jul 16, 2008 at 03:30 AM.
Bez, your getting pretty rough man. Relax a bit. I've been your butt buddeh, and HxC friend for a while...
But your pulling your cock out and slapping people.
Arisen from the dead.
Ok Hurricane, that I must admitt - ghost members are annoing.
And Zimpy go sometimes to sumo - there's plenty of recently added UNCE members tearing apart people there.