Might as well do it anyway because it's not normal to spam when you have a person there.
People like to do that, and it's kinda silly. I don't really like it, so I came up with this knowing your excuse.
As I said, I don't like people spamming in front of me while I'm waiting to play Taekkyon.
Flood kicks can also occur due to lags and bad internet, but that's not what I'm talking about.
Coming with an idea, there can be a /set fk 10 as in /set flood kick penalty: 10 minutes. For those who have bad internet can sit out of said rooms, get better internet, or just try asking them to turn it off.
If there's anything you can do, you shouldn't abuse it as there's only 30% harm in abusing this penalty.
For kicks, they're allowed to return but they return with a 5 minute penalty if set.
For bans, they're not allowed to return with such account. But they might return with an alt. There's a rotten reason why you banned them, so you can set a 20 minute mute or something.