Original Post
[S] Chest Joint Texture! OOO! AAH!
Tc only looking for 35k on this weird thing. Haggle with meh.


Accepting items too given they are decent.


None on the market, 50k in the shop.
Last edited by Wolfe; Jun 10, 2013 at 01:12 PM.
Originally Posted by Berc View Post
25k. I always buy them from the 25k. No haggle.

Then find someone else selling. I'm not selling it that low when there aren't any on the market, its popular, and its 50k in the shop. Sorry mate but 35k won't kill you.
Last edited by Wolfe; Jun 10, 2013 at 01:30 PM.
No, thank you. This texture is a random body part, unpaired. If you change your mind - PM me.