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Because there's no need for a White Student Union. They have a majority population on campus. They have no need for a union to support white rights. They are literally in the position of power.
Pretty sure I saw a black profesor...
Implying everyone who is white and in power only looks out for white people.
^ "Whites are not subject to racism"
^ "Whites in power only look out for white interests so blacks need their own advocacy group and whites aren't allowed to have one"
Originally Posted by
It matters from where in Asia you come from. Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese have incomes above whites, but if you're from Vietnam, the Philippines, Mongolia, or basically any other Asian nation, you are statistically likely to be earning less than whites.
It's also important to note that the economic worth of a degree for an Asian is worth a couple tens of thousands dollars less than the exact same degree than if it were for a White individual.
AND it's important to note that their income is above whites if you take the median average. If you take the mean average, whites still eclipse every other race in economic income because they hold a disproportionate number of high power positions.
I like how you imply this is due to race and not circumstances.
If I remember correctly, capitalism and industrialism come from the West.
The west had a head start.
> UK, Spain, Portugal, France combine has less billionaires than china
> All these "conquer the world, plunder all the countries, enslave all the people" white countries have poultry amounts of billionaires
At this point I assume when you talk about white people, you mean white Americans, since USA is the one with lots of billionaires.
But then again, HK has the largest proportion of billionaires per populus...
[spoiler]There are Asians in HK[/spoiler]
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You can't take face value for problems that are rooted in history. First, college was originally in place to promote class segregation. The wealthy and the powerful would send their children to college, not for education, to socialize and establish connections to further increase their wealth and power. This has historically been a position dominated by Whites.
No, college was not put in place to promote class segregation.
Education costs money, people without money can't afford it. How is this hard to understand?
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Second, Blacks don't value basketball or gangs and dealing drugs because that's what they perceive as good, but rather it's the only thing society portrays them as capable of being successful at. You aren't going to try to go to college and become a doctor or a scientist or a lawyer if all you see and hear from society is about Black criminals, Black musicians, or Black athletes. You have no role model to look up to. You ask any White child what they want to be when they grow up, and they'll tell you practically every job imaginable. You ask a Black child, and they'll almost always say either rapper or pro athlete, because that's the only role models they have among their race.
So their race can't be bothered dreaming outside their stereotype, and that's somehow everyone else's fault? We should just give blacks law degrees so that the future generations can say "oh I didn't know I could become a lawyer"??
Most people don't have specific idols they want to emulate when they get a job. Do you think sparkies think "golly I want to be like that famous electrician", or geophysicists say "gosh I wish I was like that famouse popular role model geophysicist"? That is a poor, unrealistic argument. Come on man.
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Third, if you look where the majority of Blacks live, it's in poorer neighborhoods. Poorer neighborhoods have worse schools, which results in worse education, which results in a lower probability of entering college. In addition, any attempts by Blacks to move into better neighborhoods results in White Flight, or where all the Whites in the neighborhood move out because statistically, the value of property in an area goes down the more Black people live there. And when White Flight happens, all the resources which have been funneled into the White race move to a different neighborhood, so the schools naturally receive less funding, so they receive worse teachers and materials, so they provide worse education. And they cycle repeats. This isn't something that's slippery slope either. This is documented from as early as the 40s when the G.I. Bill was passed, arguably the largest affirmative action program ever signed into law that benefited solely white, male veterans.
> USA specific arguments again
I don't know what the policies are exactly over there, but if a school receives less funding for having students more in need but a different race, then obviously there's a problem.
Corollary: If blacks were actively seeking education and trying to correct their social injustice we would see an increase in blacks in college than previous years, and above the population growth.
Blacks enrolled in college 1990: 1.2 million
Blacks enrolled in college 2010: 2.9 million
Black population 1990: 30 million
Black population 2010: 42 million
College/population*100% 1990: 4%
College/population*100% 2010: 7%
Conclusion: Blacks are already taking steps to improve their situation
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There is a system in place, though it is not on paper, that results in a glass ceiling for Blacks in particular from rising above the lowest rungs of society.
College enrollment rate for blacks has more than doubled in 20 years, looks like they are doing all right.
Compare median incomes to be sure, but I think increasing number of bill/millionaires and income should show it easily enough.
> compare incarceration rates too...
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Fighting among each other is different from going around and enslaving a population and denying the rights of its citizens. When European countries fought each other, they had rules they followed to protect honor and decency during their fights. When they went into "barbaric" countries (read as anywhere that wasn't Europe) they crushed the local population with whatever tactics they had, and gave zero shits about what happened to the population. And sure, slavery of Whites had existed long before conquests of any other nations occurred. But slavery of Whites also stopped long before slavery of people of color ended. And Whites were the ones who benefited from the slavery of Whites anyways, because the person who owned the White slave was pretty much guaranteed to be White.
That's not at all true. Since Roman times there have been white slaves (probably even before). Whites owning slaves is situational, not as a rule. Most black slaves from Africa were already owned by black slave masters who then sold them to hispanic slavers who brougth them to the new world.
You already know this, but Africa has had slaves even before biblical times. Arab countries and Asian countries have had slaves for millennia, oh and so did central Americans :O
> Slaves existed on nearly every continent since before written history
> Slaves came from every culture and were enslaved by every culture
Whites coming out on top was situational.
Originally Posted by
And nobody HAS to commit crime. And I say nowhere that because somebody is poor that they are obligated to commit crime. I say that being poor increases the likelihood of committing crime.
And yet they could just /not/ commit crime instead...
Believe it or not crime is a choice, there isn't someone rolling cosmic dice to determine the chance that you will become a criminal...
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Hispanics is a very broad term to begin with. But I'll tackle it anyways.
First, Hispanic only means that the person is related to Spain or a Spanish-speaking country. This can mean you can be either talking about a citizen of Spain, except you wouldn't be because you're be calling them a Spaniard, or a citizen of a previous Spanish colony. The latter is more likely, as I'm sure most people would agree.
Now, let's look at the population of a typical Spanish colony. The vast minority of it's population would have been actual Spaniards. The vast majority of it's population would have been Natives or slaves, usually from Africa. So the vast majority of said colony's population will most likely be of descent from either Natives or Africans. Not Europeans. So please, tell me more how Hispanic is synonymous with European, or White.
Spain and Portugal each conquered more than England and France.
This point was in response to your previous argument.
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Now, on to the next line, poverty can happen to everyone, sure. But it disproportionately happens to Blacks, for reasons listed above, and others that I can bring up if need be. And it's already proven that poverty is the number one indicator for likelihood of committing a crime. But rather than attribute crime to poverty, this Union attributes it to Blackness by saying they are patrolling against "Black crime".
As stated in the video.
1. They are against all crime and will stop any crime they see
2. Their investigation indicates 90% of crime in the area is committed by blacks
3. Tackling the largest portion is only natural
When you see a big police sign saying "Now targeting speeding cars" they aren't saying that speeders are responsible for ALL the crime or that cars are automatically illegal or whatever.
The WSU made a bad choice saying it like that. They may be specifically targeting a large portion of crime committed by a self-admitted minority (which is logical, if 10% commits 90% of crime, you can eliminate much more by targeting this small portion -> crime density = 9 vs .1), but it's automatically bad because it's racist.
If it's an objective observation I don't see anything wrong with it.
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Second, it may be that every race has experienced conquest or slavery at some point or another. But no other race has experienced more systematic and widespread abuse at the hands of other races than Blacks. The mere fact that it happened is not what's important. It's the magnitude of it's occurrence that's important.
> More USA specific
I guess I'll just counter with;
1. Australian Aboriginals
2. SEA Natives
3. American Indians
4. Sunni/Shia
But yeah, blacks are hard done by, hundreds of years ago (for USA -> 'a hundred') they were enslaved and taken from thier paradise homeland (/eternal warzone of rape and slaughter) and eventually became free citizens subject to much government funding and their education rates are rapidly increasing.
I think you exaggerate the comparative severity of the black situation...
Originally Posted by
And slippery slope Cow. You should be more than familiar with that logical fallacy.
Yup, it is slippery slope! I'm using reductio ad absurdum to illustrate the ludicracy of your argument!
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Again, it matters what measure of the average you use. Mean average will give a different result than median average.
Why would we use mean income? You care more about 500 people than 5 billion?
If your argument has changed to "there exists a few whites that are richer than pretty much everyone" then feel free to use mean...
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And female lifespan is linked to biology, not sociological influence. So it's a irrelevant piece of information for your intended purpose.
> Claim blacks are in a bad situation because of their race
> omg no not biology!!
> implying race is not biological
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You don't have to say anything explicitly racist to be racist. It's his practices and justifications that are racist.
Just funny that the lengths the report goes to in order to be strongly negative, yet this is all they can come up with...
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European American interests do not need a public defender, or even an every day citizen to stand up for them. It's the same argument that Whites give about "oh, there's a Black history month, why isn't there a White history month?". Simple answer: Every other month in the year is White history month. You only learn about White history in school. You only hear about White accomplishments in school. You literally learn a White man's curriculum. There is no god damn need to protect Whites in a White society.
> More USA specific
Why would you want a black history month anyway? Way to propagate disparity! If blacks didn't invent it, then everything would be for everyone. Completely idiotic idea...
> Implying schools don't learn about international history or national history
> Live in majority white country
> Complain about covering white history
It seems obvious that a country that was settled by europeans and dominated by europeans would teach a proportional amount about european culture and history...
I don't know USA curriculum but I would be surprised if they didn't cover topics like their settlement, war of independence, civil war, slavery, suffrage, WW1, WW2, etc.
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And again, a lack of blatant racism is not an indication for a lack of racism. There are three types of people when it comes to racism: Active racists, passive racists, and active anti-racists. He is a very annoying combination of both an active racist and a passive racist. He outright proclaims he's patrolling to prevent "Black crime", an active racist action, and he justifies it by saying he's protecting White interests, which is both unnecessary, and passive in the face of institutional racism.
Black interests = good
white interests = bad
extremist anti-racist counter culture.
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He's a racist. And he's definitely not intelligent, or a master manipulator. If all it took to be considered a master manipulator was to piss off a large group of people, then every person in the KKK is a master manipulator.
As above, he managed to make himself look good even when doing something retarded, and make the other side look idiodic.
Originally Posted by
Hahah yeah white people definitely need an advocacy group given their history of struggling with racism, oppression, and underpriveleged status that still ripples through the fabric of modern society.
Wait, no, maybe not.
> student union
> advocating against racism, oppression, underprivileged status (at a university)
> implying whites do not have interests
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EDIT: lmfao society favors women "because they live longer"
It favours white males because they are allowed to be born white and male!111
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Holy shit, you're literally a racist!
inb4 statistics on blacks in college sporting teams and gang membership