If you can not find a sound to upload or dont know how to edit sounds... i make kiai's for people and upload to soundcloud so they download ( for free ). If you know how to work audacity just go to Shop > Deactivated > Activate > Activate Kiai > Edit Kiai > Choose File > Upload. There you go..BTW sound must be 4 seconds.. i know it says 5 but when you try to upload a 5 second sound it doesn't work.
I've just uploaded my kiai, but it doesn't play when the match starts! WHY?
please, help! I can hear all the game sounds, the music, everything but the kiai.
I've just uploaded my kiai, but it doesn't play when the match starts! WHY?
please, help! I can hear all the game sounds, the music, everything but the kiai.
Is the sound the correct format?
<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you