Original Post
[A] Red robot motorcycle thingy
Artist: Velair
Previous owner: Pwr
Recolor: Ask Velair, doubt he'd do it for free.
Starting bid: 30k
Min raise: 1k
Auto buy: 90k
Auction ends at July the first
PM me if you want more pictures, I am currently wearing this ingame, so you could just dl and lp.
Also, I think this is c/p, not too sure because my memory sucks. <the picture to it
Honestly, this texture dosen't look like much. Hate to say it. I can't tell what it is.
Nvm. i saw the picture on imgur. So great job. Except I don't know if anyone would want to buy a set that isn't really a character.
Last edited by DredNone; Jun 28, 2013 at 03:13 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Buze | Infinity | Orbus
Do you have a cheetah set

~m Moderated Message:
User warned. Useless post.
Last edited by marcus; Jun 29, 2013 at 09:05 PM.