Christmas Lottery
Original Post
BH Suggestions
Here you may discuss anything Bounty Hunting related.
All standerd rules apply.
Also have a new idea or suggestion for Bounty Hunting? Or even a
comment on how I'm doing. Post them here I am always happy to hear
ideas and comments.

Last edited by marcus; Jul 25, 2008 at 10:09 PM.
One thing i've realised. Is that you can simply open a replay that matches the criterea, but with a different person, then go /lp 1 NameOfBounty then edit the very last frame (so it saves properly). And it looks like you have done it, and you can upload it and claim the prize.

So i was thinking that you should make the person of whom the bounty was placed on has to confirm that the person who claims to've got the bounty wasnt lieing....

understand? :P
Nice. I look forward to future Bounties! (If I complete some big ones then maybe I can finally buy a head...)
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