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I'm not mexican but here's a replay thread
Well since my last replay died about a week ago. Might aswell give it another try. I'd be happy if you would C&C and Rate. TANK KOO
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#Hashtag.rpl (401.4 KB, 37 views)
oh shit waddup
Well I don't know where to start
The decap was smooth. I love watching Jeff's crotch get destroyed, and you did not disappoint in anyway. I always wanted to be able to do stuff like that. The throw of the midsection was pretty awesome and the pose, my oh my. I can do a stand but need to be given good condition. 10/10 (Noob's opinion)
Both the opener and decap were cool, nice and powerful. The split and glute dm after was alright I guess, but both were a little boring. The kick after that, however, was pretty nice and spiced up the replay a bit. The skeet was nice but looked a little weird due to it not directly hitting. Pose was fine.

The replay was ok, but I've seen you do better.