Original Post
[ART] Simple hand draw

Simple draw

was good?
< Ryks > "sobrevivendo apenas com um pedaço de leite, um copo de pão com queijo, e o seu celular na boca"
Eh the thumb is a little weird it looks like he twisted his thumb to the left lol but everything this else is good.
Only If I Could Suplex

Pencil drawings need directional shading to create depth.
youve traced the shape of the hand well enough, but your shading has no depth.
your pencil lines should show the curve of the skin.

look how this person curves his pencil line to create depth.
apply the same thing to your own drawings.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Wrist seems too thin in comparison to the hand.

And like suplexes said, the thumb seems a little twisted.