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How to find server IP ports
Is there any way for a regular member (no ingame or forum powers) to locate server IPs? Say there is a really good tourney that just ghosted, I pinged, and I wanted to join again.
If you ping, you can always type /rec and you should be reconnected.

Otherwise, someone else still in the tourney/room will have to type /Rec and give you the server ip. From there it should be a simple, /join where "x" equals the numbers for the ip... Not accurate to the amount of numbers, but you're a smart kid. You'll get it.
Okay, thank you. That was helpful. Now how about if I wasn't in the server to begin with, and I had no way of typing /rec since I was never in the server before it ghosted. Is it possible to find it in this case?
Originally Posted by sirl View Post
Okay, thank you. That was helpful. Now how about if I wasn't in the server to begin with, and I had no way of typing /rec since I was never in the server before it ghosted. Is it possible to find it in this case?

Well the only way you would know is either:

1) logically if little time had passed since the global and it wasn't on the list.

Answer: Find someone who might be in the server who is on irc and ask them if they would type /rec and give you the information.

2) someone told you about the server via irc or some other means.

Answer: ask the person to type /rec and give you the information.