Original Post
[S] Full 512x512 with the art on it [S]
I'm selling my full 512x512 with art on it just /dl and /lp me ingame.
I want to receive payment in USD paypal, but toricredits it's nice too.
Last edited by Guner; Jul 29, 2013 at 11:09 PM.
Full 512x512 + Art made by Tyler112 = 39$ USD and we have a deal.

It's set price is 100.000 TC btw i bought it with 88k.
could you post the a picture of the set?
Playing Toribash Again! Old friends feel free to pm me, or new friends ;).
I can't because my printscreener is corrupted, it downloads but it's not clear, image.

Just go ingame and dl , lp me.

Vendoor i'm sorry but it's really too low, i've got a man that would buy only full 512 w/o art for $34,00 USD but you offer 35 dollars.

btw i will think.

My accepting offer is 39 $.