Original Post
In-Game/Server: 'No Multiclienting'
I was playing a game with BIGC0CK and THETRYNITY, when I had disconnected... This message showed up:
"No multiclienting. If you disconnect wait for your ghost to time out."
I had checked, and there are no other Toribash clients open on this computer, my laptop's unplugged(it has no battery), and the other laptop doesn't have Toribash installed. I do not know what could have caused this problem, and when I succesfully reconnected, nobody was there... What could have caused this? ._.
Screenshot attached.
I am using Toribash 4.5 Beta 2.
Attached Images
screenshot-01-23-35-34.jpg (9.0 KB, 34 views)
Did you accidentally misplaced your account at maybe your friends house or anything? Maybe someone was playing with your account
Shoot me a PM if you have any queries!
Originally Posted by dealornot View Post
Did you accidentally misplaced your account at maybe your friends house or anything? Maybe someone was playing with your account

No. Only my mother, brother, father and I know my password, I have never told ANYBODY else, and none of my accounts anywhere/any time have been 'hacked.'