I hate my life when my mom isn't supportive of my dream to dance, perform, and teach classes around the world with my crew.
She says I should go for something like a doctor or a lawyer, but I ain't into that shit. She also says I should try to become an actor, but I have no interest in acting. She says it's gonna make her happy if I get famous in showbiz and have a lot of money, but what about MY happiness for MY life? I don't wanna come off as self-centered, but I just can't keep living someone else's dream.
Sure I'll have the cash, but I won't feel fulfilled. Actors may earn a hell of a lot more than dancers, but I don't wanna die rich and depressed.
Dance is my one true passion and she refuses to get it into her head that it's what I want. It's not about the money or the fame, it's about sharing my talent, meeting people with the same talent, teaching them, learning from them, and knowing my strengths, weaknesses, and limits as a choreographer.