Original Post
[Tex] New set
Here is a new set!!

for a better look dl me ingame ;)


Legs (scrapped)

Final piece

And here it is! Hope you like it.. Leave CnC please, thanks.
I personally really like it i like the designs on the chest and torso area, well done very nice job but i think u should add more work cause the body has a lot of things going on and the head is just there i think u should spice dat head texture up so even out the this hole set so ill give bout a 8/10 for the bests!
Last edited by BitUnFair; Aug 23, 2013 at 09:41 AM.
Not much to say. There's a really nice amount of diversity and simplicity. Job well done indeed.

I wish you could've done more for the front of the hands and the torso parts, though.

Consider adding something to the head to make it as unique as the rest of the set.

8/10, would buy if I actually bought sets.
the goblin
yes yes... the head is a wip so far... i shall be adding more..! thanks guys!

8/10 is pretty good... ^-^ also tama.. im not gonna sell it any time soon :P But thanks ^-^ now i know that when i want to add stuff to it and sell it i could ^-^ <3

Thanks for CnC guys! luv chu all !
one thing that always make sets cool and unique is diversity, try to work with non matching legs and arms, add something unique to one leg or reedited from start with the same colour style.
But overall i like the style the head i think it needs more something IMO.
ill give it a HI5 out of 10
The set is really simple, but in other words is also very detailed and clear. I like how you use the different colours eg. purple & white to create an effect that makes the texture looks really realistic. Well done on this one, I'll have to say. 8/10
Shoot me a PM if you have any queries!
Really simple. I think you can maybe contrast that with some shading and something else to wow it with the head. 6/10
Team Sad
Perfect... the "Shading" is meant to be like that.... i kept it like that for a reason...

Also, Thank you dealornot <3
I like it but it doesnt look like its 512 giving it bad quality but love how it was made and the colors you used. 8/10
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