Original Post
Clan Avatars and Signatures
I am in this clan to be an artist for everybody... yet I would like some pay in some form.. Like being the Clan Artist.

I will be making Avatars and Signatures like mine in lots of formats.

Formats available
1.1-3 colors
3.Extra details

The List!
1.Bezurker- 1.Black n white 2. Both 3.Include Tori
2.Hurricane- Dont know. Hurricane post here with details
<MaddMaxx10> I used to not have a life <MaddMaxx10> I do now
<stonewall> and so you're here <stonewall> yeah, perfect sense
I posts and R@PES art of tribal once again.

lol it was a good idea at the time. If I ever have toribash prime, il buy one kk?
Can we have samples of your work?

Also, I would like it to be (this is the color code) 008800, and 00ff00
And I would like there to be a big "B" in the middle. The style to be tribal.
Last edited by Beeh; Jul 23, 2008 at 07:17 PM.
Meow, I am quite a cat these days.
Even though no one knows me, I know more about them than they know of me.