<Hero> Hello Nuthug
<NutHug> Hello hero
<Hero> Right so about that interview
<NutHug> yes?
<Hero> I need some info about you first
<NutHug> Oh sure
<NutHug> What kind of info
<NutHug> Credit card #?
<Hero> Let's start by your real name, age, where you live, hobbies and what kind of socks you like to wear?
<NutHug> My real name is Manuel Zilly, I live in the southern area of Germany and for hobbies I mostly play beach volleyball during the warmer months
<NutHug> And I have these nice green-white striped Irish socks which are a bit too small but just hilarious
<Hero> Haha, thought you wouldn't answer about socks, but awesome
<NutHug> I'm answering any question!
<Hero> Alright, so let's move on, how did you find Toribash?
<NutHug> I was playing Jedi Academy at that time and one of my former clan mates introduced me to this game
<NutHug> He was really shocked how one could stick to it and seriously play it
<NutHug> But soon I had left any previous games and got hooked on Toribash
<NutHug> I even remember the first games I had, it was some kind of wall inbetween Tori and Uke and all you had to do was to climb up
<NutHug> It was really awkward but somehow fun
<NutHug> I had never seen such a game before
<Hero> Terrific, how did you stick to it? Most people just play and leave the game, calling it "too complicated" and diffuclt.
<NutHug> Situation was bit different back then, you couldn't create your own servers and there were only a few official servers
<NutHug> So more or less there were little judo/wushu/tk communities within the servers
<NutHug> I just liked the people and the game had much potential and getting good at it takes pretty long so I had to stay there pretty long
<NutHug> I think the community used to be a little closer back then
<NutHug> I also joined FCC pretty soon which is still the most awesome clan ever so leaving was no option
<Hero> Awesome. Now a bit about your skills as a player. How did you venture into replay making and become so good at it?
<NutHug> I think I started off as any casual Toribash player, I played mp a lot became pretty decent at it, switched to another mod, became decent at it again but the variety of mods was lot smaller back then
<NutHug> Especially -30 grav servers were pretty rare
<NutHug> So after having played most of the mods I just looked for the next challenge
<NutHug> I started replay making but I was probably really sucky, I made rather proof of concept replays than highly fine edited replays
<NutHug> I thought of a motion I wanted to achieve during the replay and stuck to the idea
<NutHug> And after quite some time of madmans and sucky replays I wanted to make a better walk than [Torigod]Patrick
<NutHug> He was in the default replays with a pretty decent -9.82 walking replay
<NutHug> But when attempting that I thought the gravity is waaaaay too low so I took the -30 gravity from sambo and aikido and redid it
<NutHug> This is basically how I started to get into realism
<NutHug> I just kept making these 'proof of concept' replays with realistic replays and people just loved it
<NutHug> I probably became good with the years of practicing and always having a goal in mind when making a replay instead of hoping for random stuff that happens
<NutHug> This also reflected in my way of playing mp at some point
<NutHug> Instead of trying to win all the time I started to set myself new goals
<NutHug> For instance in aikido, I didn't just want to win, I set myself the goal to dq my opponent on the left/right side of the dojo or wherever before the match and then try to do that no matter what
<NutHug> I think I learned a lot during that time
<NutHug> Not going for the easiest way every time really improved my skills
<NutHug> This is a thing I unfortunately rarely see nowadays
<Hero> Amazing. I have seen you play Aikido multiple times, and I must admit those skills are some god tier shit.
<NutHug> Haha, thank you
<NutHug> I tend to believe it was helpful everyone sucked back then, so I could evolve freely and try a lot without getting constantly raped
<Hero> That brings me to my next question. What do you think about the playerbase and the community now? How would you compare it with the oldschool times?
<NutHug> That's a tough question since I don't really know much about the playerbase and the community nowadays
<NutHug> But I would assume that everyone is playing a lot better now than they used to earlier
<NutHug> The standards really have risen since I started to play, I see so many master and custom belts it was pretty rare when I used to play
<NutHug> What I do hear often is that people used to play for fun back in the days and nowadays it is all about cheap wins and fast games
<NutHug> I don't really agree with it, there have always been people who wanted the fast and easy win and there are probably still people who play for the fun now
<NutHug> I assume people just like to remember the good stuff so they have something to rant about
<NutHug> And well, obviously the community grew bigger and therefore there are more douches but I would think the proportion is still the same
<Hero> Haha, a lot of oldschoolers agree with you on that.
<NutHug> Oh do they? Nice
<Hero> Yep. ;)
<Hero> Great, so I almost forgot to ask, how many clans have you been in? And when did you join RAWR?
<NutHug> RAWR is in fact the first clan I have joined
<NutHug> It used to be called FCC and I joined relatively early
<NutHug> We were a group of hardcore have fun players
<NutHug> FCCs only rule was to have a 'sexually offensive name'
<NutHug> But at some point we ran into problems with the admins when members were called Mad_Sex_Whore
<NutHug> So we toned it down a bit, renamed the clan and got rid of the too offensive nicks like cockrocket
<NutHug> You can still see the trend with bendover, mantrain, dr_strangelove, nuthug, etc
<NutHug> Actually nuthug wasn't my first nick
<NutHug> We were looking for a nick for cockrocket and I suggested him to be nuthug but he prefered cockrocket
<NutHug> I liked the nick so much I took it instead
<NutHug> My original nick was tittymonster
<NutHug> FCC meant Fighting Cock Clan btw
<NutHug> But yea, I think it was ducky who got problems with parents for browsing a forum with a nick like Mad_Sex_Whore
<NutHug> So we had to change
<NutHug> Later on we let a bit loose on the rule
<NutHug> Especially after 3.0 when changing nicks wasn't so easy anymore
<Hero> Ahahaha that is hilarious
<Hero> That's probably the most hilarious history a clan can have. :D
<Hero> Can you tell us more about your history as staff member?
<NutHug> Oh sure, I just hope I get all the names right
<NutHug> I started of as a gamekeeper, hosting events in weird interesting mods, some even selfmade
<NutHug> After some time the gman and his promo team took over, I was largely inactive at that time so I didn't really want to join them and slack there, too
<NutHug> But gman and I got along pretty well and he kept bugging me to join them, we exchanged lots of ideas about the future of toribash at that time
<NutHug> At some point I finally gave in and joined the promo team, making mostly art and hosting few events
<NutHug> Later on when we wanted to reorganise the promoteam due to large amount of members and inactivity I got promoted to leader of the art team
<NutHug> But soon after that gman left and the promo team was disassembled
<NutHug> That's the point where I basically 'quit' since I didn't really have anything in the community besides the promoteam at that point
<Hero> So a very popular question from most of your fans is will you be back fully in toribash? As in fully active and involved like old days?
<NutHug> I had several positions in the old days, what exactly would fully active include?
<Hero> Making replays, videos, all of what it was that you did which made you so popular? ;)
<NutHug> Oh I have been making replays during that whole time (maybe once every 3 months or so) I just didn't post them on the forum
<NutHug> I'm not sure if I could actually go back to fully active replay making since I'm mostly lacking replay ideas
<NutHug> I always tried to do stuff I haven't seen before or were super challenging to me
<NutHug> But there has been done so much by now and the bars are really high
<NutHug> I could rather see me active in some mod position, maybe in the beginners sanctuary or mods section
<NutHug> But who knows
<NutHug> People always claim I quit the game
<NutHug> If they actually read my post they would know all I said is I quit the community part, I never said I will stop playing the game
<NutHug> So I'm just checking the RAWR board nowadays
<NutHug> And recently I'm getting more active ingame to prepare myself for the clan league, we are the current champions after all and we'd like to defend the title
<Hero> That's great to hear, good luck with the league!
<NutHug> Thank you
<Hero> Also, we've heard you have a youtube channel? What is it about?
<NutHug> Hahaha, it's mostly about uploading no videos
<NutHug> Let me check ...
<NutHug> The latest video is 3 years old
<NutHug> But I do intend to make videos again, I already talked to bust3r who wants to give me a crashcourse in video editing
<NutHug> The channel's intention was to put focus on single replays instead of making these flashy videos you see everywhere
<NutHug> I still see myself as a replay maker and not a video maker so I wanted to put my replays into focus there
<NutHug> Of course there are some flashy videos but mostly you will see a single replay from different angles and keyframes
<NutHug> If I actually find the time to revive it again I would probably make some exclusive replays with commentaries
<NutHug> But that won't happen before christmas or next year
<NutHug> At least I would be surprised if it happened before
<NutHug> After 3 years I still get asked more or less frequently when I will make videos again, that motivates me some to get it going again
<Hero> That sounds awesome and I'm sure people will love it ;o
<Hero> And I think that'll be all, thanks a lot for your time!
<NutHug> Anytime, was a pleasure