Original Post
[B] Art, Up to 255k TC.
Show me what you got,
Don't try giving me bullshit offers just because
I have 255k.
Anyhow, post screenshots only.
Don't say "Dl and Lp me"
Don't post links to threads/websites containing screen shots
of the art.
Looking mainly for sets, but heads aswell as just about anything
Is welcomed.
Looking for :


•Heads or other pieces of art.

•Ground Textures


Absolutely NO brony/pony shit

Last edited by Nigma; Sep 4, 2013 at 06:02 PM. Reason: Because Fuck You That's why >:u
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Originally Posted by Nigma View Post

Otherwise go elsewhere.

ive seen that you dont say "i dont want that set" you just got for stupid prices, for me its ok, its a set to keep.
Similar to the JsuffMars thread, initially an auction, but currently nobody has placed a bit so go ahead and offer up.

Made by me, but Internet did some things with mapping (I'm a lazy cunt)

Internet also took the screens.

512 resolution.


Sold my dog to join RRO
I would like to show you a head, but i don't know how to show you it without a link to imgur
Sucking at something is the first step to being good at something ~ Adventure Time
Right click on the image and copy the image link, then put it between the image tags.

So write

Then upload post the post on this thread.

Use the edit button.
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