A step in the right direction?
I think so.
I think most of us have about had it with all the nonsense going on around here. Spam, and flaming leading to more spam and more flaming. It's happening on both sides. The goons, and the other people here.
Why not just ask people to stop?
Goons, join the community, have fun, play the game. We could use some more of the intelligent sort of players. Please stop with the spamming though, it's been better recently. I don't see it helping at all though, when you do it. And flaming too. It only seems to make things worse.
People who oppose the goons, let them play. They're people too. Just because they're from SA doesn't mean you can't have fun and talk to them. When they spam, you spam back, and when you spam they spam back. You flame them, and they'll flame you, and vice versa. I'm sure they're fun people once you start talking to them without all the nonsense. Can you give them a chance?
I hope this helps.
EDIT: I'm not sympathizing with anyone in particular. Both sides have their problems. Overreactions on both sides. volt should still be a mod, and Clbck should too, the non-goons sould give the goons more of a chance though.
Last edited by Vigilante; Jul 24, 2008 at 06:06 AM.