[S] Over 1.600.000 TC (11k/1USD) $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$
40,000 TC
1$ = 10k
1$ = 11k (If you pay more than 50$)
Send the money as a gift / or pay the fee, and post here!
Paypal code:
First, the sender and the receiver need to have a fully functional, active PayPal account.
The sender needs to have the funds available to send.
The sender clicks on the "send money" button on the PayPal webpage.
The sender enters the receiver's PayPal email into the appropriate box.
The sender makes sure to put the currency in USD.
The sender clicks on: Send as gift, or, send to family and friends. This is how the sender assumes the fees.
The sender should write a note, giving the receiver his Toribash username, so that the receiver will know who to send the TC to.
PayPal code:
evo - 10k
arceuz9 - 22k
Lucent - 770k (Pending)
mrkamikaz - ~140k
erikhenri - 60k
Snudge - ~563k
instagib - 137k
ReyMysterio9 - 50k
PayPal - [email protected]
Last edited by Shade; Sep 11, 2013 at 12:04 AM.