Your Real Name=
Your Belt (Over Orange)= Blue Belt
Your Age= 15
What Mod you Good AT= Aikido, Aikido Big Dojo
Ingame Active (1-10)= 7
Forum Active (1-10)= 1 But i am goint to be in the forum
What is your Special Talent= I would say i can counter moves and i am good at throwing someone on the ground
Why You want Join VIRUS= The leader asked me to join and i took a look at the clan
Your Real Name= Mohammad jallad
Your Belt (Over Orange)=blue
Your Age=14
What Mod you Good AT= aikido,judo,jousting,etc.
Ingame Active (1-10)=8
Forum Active (1-10)=10 ,,, all the day
What is your Special Talent= creating Textures
Why You want Join VIRUS= cuz i think its a good clan that i would be good in