Original Post
FREE Head Requests!
So, i'm planning on getting better at making heads and what better way than making people some FREE ones? Plz don't ask for some super detailed samurai or anything like that, try to keep it simple.

What you need to tell me:
Face Colour:
Hair Colour/Colours
Accesories: Blood, ect.
Eye Type:
Eye Colour:

Here is some of my work:

PLEASE REQUEST! (Also I would appreciate some TC donations very much <3)
Last edited by ZiGerZaGeR; Sep 16, 2013 at 01:56 AM. Reason: Correction xP
Proud Member of EssM :D
Have you ever played borderlands 2? i want a psycho head like this:
R.I.P Sean (bobsanders147) i'll miss you man, we all love you and miss you.
hai ZiGer :3 could you make me an emo head with headphones and the head phones say my name? thx :3
To control the fist, you have to be the fist - Slyninja12
What you need to tell me:I need a juyro and vampire cartoon head
Face Colour:juyro
Hair Colour/Colours vampire
Accesories: shades
Eye Type: any
Eye Colour:vampire
Face Colour: White
Hair Colour/Colours: Aqua (Main)/ Gold(Secondary)
Accesories: Bandages Around Eyes :3
Eye Type: Cut Thru one Eye Underneath Bandage

Thanks for Making These Heads ^.^