Hello I am selling the following heads for the prices listed below.
Please do not pm about the art work or request any art work made I will say NO. If you have any questions or negotiating please leave a post in this thread.
SOLD - LifeRegret
- Skull Artist: ihopz Recolor: N/A Size: 512 x 512 Trade: N/A Auction: N/A Sell: 15,000TC or BO
- Insidious Artist: ihopz Recolor: N/A Size: 512 x 512 Trade: N/A Auction: N/A Sell: 35,000TC or BO
- Jason Artist: ihopz Recolor: N/A Size: 512 x 512 Trade: N/A Auction: N/A Sell: 15,000TC or BO
SOLD - Muun
- Zombie Artist: ihopz Recolor: N/A Size: 512 x 512 Trade: N/A Auction: N/A Sell: 10,000TC or BO