That's kind of hard to explain. I use every single joint in my body to balance, but not as efficiently as other players. If u know the basics of running, good. Here's what I got:
How to not overstep:
Raising shoulders, extending abs, relaxing hips, knees, and sometimes the neck all help here
How to not understep: Opposite as above (contract hips and/or knees), contract ankles or the glutes.
How to turn: Rotating on one side will throw half of your body on the other and u can use that with ur glutes to rotate. Move ankles as needed.
How to not fall on one side: rotating your upper body helps a bit. Repeatedly rotating it over and over will only mess u up. You must learn when to turn and how much. You can try relaxing instead to slow down rotation. Moving your shoulder helps too. Sometimes u can also use your legs. Try not to extend your glutes too much as it will cause you to overstep and lose speed.
1/10 for worst explanation ever.