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[TEX] Robo 2.0
Second generation Robo from Epic Poop corp.

I have finally made a robo head that is better then my first one. Check the specs for more details . Using the knowledge I got trying to make Jackie Chan I was able to give him much better human-like feature. He's not done yet,though,I still have to make him 'ears' that are better then the other ones'.
Anywho,as usual all legal CnC is welcome


this is great, nice improvment(still needs something in the ears side imo)
i would have add something to make it more assimetric but is still an great head

metal out of 10
Asymmetry is not a "demand" for a good texture.
In my opinion, robots depicting humans are supposed to be "flawless", gives this creepy feel.

I like it, however it's a little bit pixelated here and there.... Try to make cleaner lines.
I didn't want to make a quick job on the ears. I still don't have the perfect design for them.

@fenris,I'm planning to upgrade the robo heads step by step. On 3.0 I might even introduce bio-metal technology which would make it look more human. The Epic Poop board members have been having thoughts about starting a cyborg project...shhhhhh

Ok,how about this; what if I introduce a removable piece that makes the head look like,I don't know,maybe a wolf the jaw area already looks like its missing a piece that fits over the mouth. I thought about doing this for your wolf request but I quickly tossed the idea aside cause it wouldn't be fair for the other robo head if I beat it like this. Anywho,thanks for the feedback guys.
The nose doesn't appeal to me at all.

Like the older head.

It looks like he is flaring his nostrils.

or whatever it just looks awkward.

but I do like how cleaner it looks.

I enjoy your human work better though. but good luck!
Last edited by Internet; Oct 14, 2013 at 11:23 PM.
Ok,now I see it,too. But it kinda works,don't you think,I mean as a cooling system. My first design didn't have the cheek scoops. But you,re right. Damn it.